Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

A Facebook friend posted a meme from Turning Point USA: Since it wasn’t sourced, I figured I’d do a little fact checking. It turns out that the only accurate parts of it were the photos and logos. Here we go with the sourced data: Donald Trump has never topped 50% in polling averages. His disapproval […]

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In the wake of mass shootings, it’s not uncommon to see articles like this one come out discussing the number and size of the donations the National Rifle Association makes to various politicians. While these articles are informative, they don’t really reach why the NRA is so effective. After the Sandy Hook Massacre, universal background […]

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“Anti-fascist” is being conflated with the offensively violent wing of the ‘antifa’ movement, and that other opposition to fascism (including the rest of the ‘antifa’ movement) is ignored. The fact that anti-fascism does not have an obvious identity — except as ‘American’, an identity the fascists seem to think is just people who agree with […]

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“Violent SJWs Celebrate Oppressing Local Liberation Movement”   “Violent Anti-Fas Harass Far-Right Spokesman to Suicide”   “Anti-Fa Extremists Celebrate Oppressing Right-Wing Activists”    “Free Speech Rights of Right-Wing Activist Suppressed on Orders of Liberal Snowflake”

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I think we do need to take some time to mourn, and some time to assess the results. What appears to be a popular vote majority does make a statement, even if it doesn’t have any effect on the balance of power in DC. After a short period of mourning, we must organize and prepare […]

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For anyone who thinks that President-Presumptive Trump is not Reaganesque: he has a fraud trial in November and an incredible number of sexual assault and harressment accusations, even before his first day in office. He’ll be well on the way to top the Reagan Administration’s record of 138 investigations, indictments, or convictions on his own. 

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Iran: WWRRD?


As I hear reports about the new deal with Iran regarding its nuclear program, I have decided to hold it to the standards that conservatives apparently use these days: WWRRD. As dealings with Iran go, the answer would be: sell the Iranian government weapons in violation of an embargo, in order to illegally fund Central American terrorists […]

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Originally posted on Glass Overflowing:
It is an odd relationship–the way ministers often act as agents of the state to sign civil marriage licenses. We can’t sign any other documents on behalf of the state. But hundreds of years ago, when marriages all (mostly) took place in churches, we entrenched the two acts–the act of…

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Originally posted on Ty Templeton's ART LAND!!:
Sometimes, I feel more like a good scolding than a good laugh. If you don’t know what this is about, go to a news site that doesn’t have the word “Fox” on it. It astounds me that there’s something called a “controversy” about removing the reprehensible symbol…

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