Archive for March, 2012

On Friday, I return to full-time after 4 1/2 months on a cyclic schedule (6.6 hour-days). This has been an interesting period for me, and every new experience will teach you something if you let it. Here are some of the lessons I learned from my reduced schedule: 1. Just scraping by is not scraping […]

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By now we’ve all heard or read the comments that Rush Limbaugh made on the air about Sandra Fluke’s testimony, and the backlash against it. I’d like to delve into the assumptions behind his comments (which I will not reproduce here) and see where he might have been right. The assumptions: Sandra Fluke was testifying […]

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I love Medicare Advantage. I’m not eligible for Medicare. Traditional Medicare may not even be around by the time I am eligible. I’m also a supporter of most government programs, and prefer to keep the profit motive out of health insurance. (As though that’s possible.) So why do I love Medicare Advantage? The answer is […]

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